Giuseppe Longo is a mathematician of logic and computability and epistemologist (15 years teacher at different levels, Università di Pisa, Italia .; 3 years in the USA; now, DRE-CNRS, École Normale Supèrieure, Paris). Author of around a hundred articles and four books, many of them in collaboration with mathematicians, physicists and biologists, he was responsible for a project at the Institut d’Étude Avancée de Nantes on the general concept of law (see the volume “Lois des dieux, des hommes et de la nature”, Spartacus IDH, 2017). For the past fifteen years, his activity has focused on the relations between mathematics and natural sciences, in particular evolutionary biology and organisms. His current project is developing an epistemology of new interfaces exploring historical correlations and alternatives to the new alliance between computational formalisms and governance of man and nature by algorithms and by supposedly objective “optimality methods”. Web page: