Parham Shahrjerdi is an Iranian writer, critic and translator who was born in 1980 and moved to Paris, France where he currently resides. He has translated the works of Blanchot, Duras and several other writers into Persian and was the former research fellow at the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne and the National Center for Scientific Research. Shahrjerdi is the founder of the Espace Maurice Blanchot ( and co-founder of the magazine Hors-Sol. He is also the vice-president of the Association des amis de Maurice Blanchot. In 2004, he established Poetrymag, the leading literary magazine devoted to modern Persian literature. He also created Nashr-e Paris in 2005 and Namomken in 2012, both publishing houses responsible for editing a large number of e-books that are banned in Iran.