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Yaovi Akakpo is a philosopher and full professor at the University of Lomé, Togo, where he heads the Laboratory of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science and Technology. He studied at the University of Lomé and at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. He holds a doctorate in Epistemology and a doctorate in History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science. Akakpo is the author of L’horizon des sciences en Afrique (Peter Lang, 2009), La recherche en philosophie (L’Harmattan, 2012), Science et reconnaissance (Présence africaine, 2016), Le technocolonialisme (L’Harmattan, 2019). Three books published under his direction in 2021 are Accélération et innovation : notions en débats (L’Harmattan, 2021), Humanités numériques et innovation en Afrique (L’Harmattan, 2021), and Aménagement du territoire et sentiers d’économie en Afrique : fonction du bricolage technologique (L’Harmattan, 2021). His research is concerned with scientific and technical transmutations in Africa, the challenges of invention and innovation, the history of science in African oral archives and manuscripts, imagination in science, and the powers of the body.

Relativisation de l’étiologie causale et irréductibilité des procédures expérimentales dans la médecine traditionnelle africaine

12 July 2021

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